70 research outputs found

    Endpoint bounds for the quartile operator

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    It is a result by Lacey and Thiele that the bilinear Hilbert transform maps L^{p_1}(R) \times L^{p_2}(R) into L^{p_3}(R) whenever (p_1,p_2,p_3) is a Holder tuple with p_1,p_2 > 1 and p_3>2/3. We study the behavior of the quartile operator, which is the Walsh model for the bilinear Hilbert transform, when p_3=2/3. We show that the quartile operator maps L^{p_1}(R) \times L^{p_2}(R) into L^{2/3,\infty}(R) when p_1,p_2>1 and one component is restricted to subindicator functions. As a corollary, we derive that the quartile operator maps L^{p_1}(R) \times L^{p_2,2/3}(R) into L^{2/3,\infty}(R). We also provide restricted weak-type estimates and boundedness on Orlicz-Lorentz spaces near p_1=1,p_2=2 which improve, in the Walsh case, on results of Bilyk and Grafakos, and Carro-Grafakos-Martell-Soria. Our main tool is the multi-frequency Calder\'on-Zygmund decomposition first used by Nazarov, Oberlin and Thiele.Comment: 17 pages; update includes referee's suggestions and two improved results near L^1 x L^2. To appear on Journal of Fourier Analysis and Application

    A sharp estimate for the Hilbert transform along finite order lacunary sets of directions

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    Let DD be a nonnegative integer and ΘS1{\mathbf{\Theta}}\subset S^1 be a lacunary set of directions of order DD. We show that the LpL^p norms, 1<p<1<p<\infty, of the maximal directional Hilbert transform in the plane HΘf(x):=supvΘp.v.Rf(x+tv)dtt,xR2, H_{{\mathbf{\Theta}}} f(x):= \sup_{v\in {\mathbf{\Theta}}} \Big|\mathrm{p.v.}\int_{\mathbb R }f(x+tv)\frac{\mathrm{d} t}{t}\Big|, \qquad x \in {\mathbb R}^2, are comparable to (log#Θ)12(\log\#{\mathbf{\Theta}})^\frac{1}{2}. For vector fields vD\mathsf{v}_D with range in a lacunary set of of order DD and generated using suitable combinations of truncations of Lipschitz functions, we prove that the truncated Hilbert transform along the vector field vD\mathsf{v}_D, HvD,1f(x):=p.v.t1f(x+tvD(x))dtt, H_{\mathsf{v}_D,1} f(x):= \mathrm{p.v.} \int_{ |t| \leq 1 } f(x+t\mathsf{v}_D(x)) \,\frac{\mathrm{d} t}{t}, is LpL^p-bounded for all 1<p<1<p<\infty. These results extend previous bounds of the first author with Demeter, and of Guo and Thiele.Comment: 20 pages, 2 figures. Submitted. Changes: clarified the definition of D-lacunary set and streamlined the notatio

    Banach-valued multilinear singular integrals

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    We develop a general framework for the analysis of operator-valued multilinear multipliers acting on Banach-valued functions. Our main result is a Coifman-Meyer type theorem for operator-valued multilinear multipliers acting on suitable tuples of UMD spaces. A concrete case of our theorem is a multilinear generalization of Weis' operator-valued H\"ormander-Mihlin linear multiplier theorem. Furthermore, we derive from our main result a wide range of mixed LpL^p-norm estimates for multi-parameter multilinear paraproducts, leading to a novel mixed norm version of the partial fractional Leibniz rules of Muscalu et. al.. Our approach works just as well for the more singular tensor products of a one-parameter Coifman-Meyer multiplier with a bilinear Hilbert transform, extending results of Silva. We also prove several operator-valued T(1)T (1)-type theorems both in one parameter, and of multi-para\-meter, mixed-norm type. A distinguishing feature of our T(1)T(1) theorems is that the usual explicit assumptions on the distributional kernel of TT are replaced with testing-type conditions. Our proofs rely on a newly developed Banach-valued version of the outer LpL^p space theory of Do and Thiele.Comment: 44 pages. Final version, to appear in Indiana Univ. Math.

    On weighted norm inequalities for the Carleson and Walsh-Carleson operators

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    We prove Lp(w)L^p(w) bounds for the Carleson operator C{\mathcal C}, its lacunary version Clac\mathcal C_{lac}, and its analogue for the Walsh series \W in terms of the AqA_q constants [w]Aq[w]_{A_q} for 1qp1\le q\le p. In particular, we show that, exactly as for the Hilbert transform, CLp(w)\|{\mathcal C}\|_{L^p(w)} is bounded linearly by [w]Aq[w]_{A_q} for 1q<p1\le q<p. We also obtain Lp(w)L^p(w) bounds in terms of [w]Ap[w]_{A_p}, whose sharpness is related to certain conjectures (for instance, of Konyagin \cite{K2}) on pointwise convergence of Fourier series for functions near L1L^1. Our approach works in the general context of maximally modulated Calder\'on-Zygmund operators.Comment: A major revision of arXiv: 1310.3352. In particular, the main result is proved under a different assumption, and applications to the lacunary Carleson operator and to the Walsh-Carleson operator are give

    Lacunary Fourier and Walsh-Fourier series near L^1

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    We prove that, for functions in the Orlicz class LloglogLloglogloglogL, lacunary subsequences of the Fourier and the Walsh-Fourier series converge almost everywhere. Our integrability condition is less stringent than the homologous assumption in the almost everywhere convergence theorems of Lie (Fourier case) and Do-Lacey (Walsh-Fourier case), where the quadruple logarithmic term is replaced by a triple logarithm. Our proof of the Walsh-Fourier case is self-contained and, in antithesis to Do and Lacey's argument, avoids the use of Antonov's lemma, arguing directly via novel weak-L^p bounds for the Walsh-Carleson operator.Comment: Final version accepted on Coll. Mat